Accredited calibration of electrical quantities, frequency, time, rotational speed, length, temperature, relative humidity and pressure to the extent as specified in The Appendix to the Certificate of Accreditation. Verification of legally controlled blood pressure measuring instruments.
Our calibration laboratory has been calibrating since 1991 and is accredited by the Czech Accreditation Institute, according to ČSN EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2005. We provide accredited calibration of instruments, gauges and measuring equipment to the extent specified in the Certificate of Accreditation and its Appendix demonstrating our professional competence. Our team of calibration technicians performs accredited calibration not only in our laboratory in Zubri, but we are also accredited to perform calibration of electrical quantities, frequency, time, speed, temperature, relative humidity and pressure gauges in site customer.
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Non culpa eos non vitae nulla ab perspiciatis reiciendis. Quo architecto ut recusandae aspernatur magni voluptas maiores eligendi. Aliquid delectus id vel voluptatem et q...
MoreHarum est ut quo magni eveniet. Nihil ducimus explicabo rerum voluptatem. Optio amet sint omnis asperiores. Facere rem ipsum beatae vero quo ex minima voluptas. Evenie...